23rd European Regional Conference May 18, 2009 - May 24, 2009, Lviv, Ukraine

Progress in Managing Water for Food and Rural Development
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<p><strong>Geography</strong></p> <p>Ukraine is situated on the South-West of the Eastern-European plain. The relief of Ukraine is mainly represented by plains (95% of total area) which belong to the southwestern borderlands of the East European Plain. Mountains in Ukraine are represented by the part of Carpathian Mountains - Ukrainian Carpathians and Crimean Mountains. The territory of the country is divided in 24 regions, 1 autonomic republic, and 2 cities with the special status. Kyiv is the capital of the country.</p> <p><strong>Population and land use</strong></p> <p>The area of Ukraine is 604,000 Sq.Km. with a population of about 42 million. Almost 60% of the territory is occupied by black soils that are located in forest-steppe and steppe zones. The coastal areas have saline and alkaline soils, which are problematic so ...Read more


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